Good Morning on Friday 21st January 2022. Cloudy with some sunshine, feeling less cold across Sefton

Good Morning on Friday 21st January 2022. It’s 3°C with a northerly breeze of 6mph in #Sefton
After a cold and frosty start, it will be a generally dry but largely cloudy day. However some sunny spells are possible at times, especially in the south of the region. Feeling slightly less cold with winds remaining light. Maximum temperature 8°C.
Remaining rather cloudy overnight, with thicker cloud over Cumbria, possibly giving some drizzle in places. Mostly frost-free, however under any clearer spells this evening, temperatures may dip close to freezing. Minimum temperature 0°C.
High Tide:
High Tide today is at 12:59pm (8.60m)
Sunrise & Sunset:
Sunrise is at 8:14am
Sunset at 4:33pm
Formby woods by The Valleys Vaper