Today’s Bank Holiday has been changed to Friday 8th May for VE Day

The bank holiday that should have been today, Monday May 4th 2020 has been moved to a long Bank Holiday weekend starting on Friday May 8th to cover the 75th anniversary of VE day. The three day May bank holiday starts on Friday 8 to Sunday May 10, marking the second time the date has ever been shifted in history. The day has only been moved once before, in 1995, to mark the 50th anniversary of VE Day.
Business secretary Greg Clark’s action, which was made last year, to change the date means the bank holiday will now coincide with Victory in Europe Day so all workers will have the chance to celebrate it.
VE Day parties will kick off a three day long weekend of commemorative events to honour the generation who defeated the Nazis. With the remaining WW2 veterans now in their 90s now, it is being seen as the last big chance say to say thank you to them while they are alive.
Announcing the decision last year, former business secretary Mr Greg Clark said: “VE Day marked an historic moment in not only our nation’s, but the world’s history and it is important that we commemorate this great occasion on its 75th anniversary.”
He went on to say: “Moving the early May bank holiday to VE Day itself is a right and fitting tribute. It will ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to remember and honour our heroes of the Second World War and reflect on the sacrifices of a generation."
However, due to the effect of the coronavirus pandemic, this year's commemorations for the 75th anniversary of victory in Europe day have had to be cancelled or moved online. People have been asked to hang out their Union Jack flags and bunting on the fronts of your houses and in your back gardens to show your appreciation.
VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day which took place on Tuesday, May 8, 1945. It was the day on which allied forces announced the surrender of Germany in Europe. It marked the end of Adolf Hitlers war and sparked celebrations around the world.
Six years of war that had cost the lives of millions had finally come to a close.