Festive holiday opening times for pharmacies and walk-ins across Sefton
Festive holiday opening times for pharmacies and walk-ins
Help us to help you stay well this winter by using this information to access the right health advice and treatment over the festive period and by taking care of your health with our winter health checklist.
Pharmacy opening times
For those who need it over the festive period, visit your pharmacist for confidential, expert health advice and treatment of minor health issues.
Please note that the opening times below are accurate at the time of publication for the pharmacies we know are open, do check with your local pharmacy if they are not on the list and phone the pharmacy first to check opening times.
Southport and Formby pharmacy
opening times
South Sefton pharmacy
opening times
Walk-in centres
To get help for minor illnesses and minor injuries the walk-in centres in Skelmersdale and Litherland, and the urgent treatment centre in Ormskirk operate seven days a week from 8am until 8pm, including Bank Holiday’s (except Christmas Day in Ormskirk and Skelmersdale – please see table below).
Before attending any of the centres please contact www.111.nhs.uk or call FREEPHONE 111 where your problem will be triaged and if required an appointment for you or your loved one will be made at an appropriate location following a telephone consultation.
GP practices
GP practices are closed on the Christmas bank holidays. However pre-bookable, routine appointments are available at evenings and weekends, including bank holidays and Christmas Day, at Litherland Town Hall for those registered with a GP in south Sefton and the Family Surgery Birkdale for those registered with a GP in Southport and Formby. These must be booked in advance via your GP practice.
Sefton Sexual Health Service
Full details of all regular and bank holiday clinic opening times can be found at www.seftonsexualhealth.nhs.uk or by calling 01695 656 550.
All clinics will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day with limited opening times over the holiday period.
On Friday 24 December (Xmas Eve) telephone lines will close at 1.30pm. Lines reopen on Wednesday 29 December, 9am to 5pm.
On Friday 31 December (New Year’s Eve), lines will close at 1.30pm.
The service will reopen as normal on Wednesday 4 January at 9am
For sexual health emergencies, visit www.seftonsexualhealth.nhs.uk for local pharmacies offering emergency contraception and access to PEPSE (post exposure
prophylaxis for HIV following sexual exposure).
For advice and support after sexual assault, please call Safe Place on 0151 295 3550.
Support for mental health and wellbeing
If you’re feeling anxious, depressed or simply need someone to talk to, there is plenty of help available.
Sefton organisations working to improve mental health and wellbeing have produced a directory of local mental health support services at www.seftoncvs.org.uk/seftoninmind
Talking Matters is a free, confidential service to help deal with common mental health difficulties for those registered with a GP in Sefton. Call them on 0300 303 2708 or go to www.mhm.org.uk/talking-matters-sefton.
For practical tips and expert advice to improve your mental health, you can also visit www.kindtoyourmind.org.
There’s also a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. Text HEAL to 85258.
For anyone over 16 in need of urgent mental health support, as they no longer feel able to cope or be in control of their situation, there is a free 24-hour telephone service on 0800 145 6570.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
There’s an online platform for children and young people with useful resources to support mental health and wellbeing for children. It also allows young people 14 and over, parents, carers and professionals to make referrals to local services. Go to: www.seftonliverpoolcamhs.com
The CAMHS Crisis Line: 0808 196 3550 or 0151 293 3577 is available 24/7 to help children, young people, families and carers who are very worried about the mental health of anyone under 18 with a GP in Sefton or Liverpool.
Dental health services
If you need emergency dental treatment when your dentist is closed you can call 0161 476 9651.