Police continue appeal to find 16-year-old missing since 19th September from Sefton

Merseyside Police are continuing to appeal for help to find missing teenager Paul Pilson-Campbell.
16-year-old Paul was last seen on Sunday 19 September in Marian Square, Bootle.
He is white, 5ft 9in tall with short light brown curly hair and blue eyes.
When he was last seen, Paul was wearing black tracksuit bottoms, a grey Berghaus jacket and black Adidas trainers. He was carrying a blue and grey Berghaus backpack.
He is known to frequent the Marian Square area of Bootle
We are increasingly concerned about Paul’s whereabouts. Please pass on any sightings of Paul via: https://crowd.in/goYKdW or any other information to @MerPolCC, 101 or the charity Missing People on 116 000.