Are you entitled to FREE childcare for your two year old?

Some two year olds in Sefton can get FREE early learning and childcare support if they meet one or more of the eligibility criteria.
If you meet the eligibility criteria, your child would be eligible for funding from the term after their 2nd birthday. Late applications can only be funded from the date that you applied.
Please apply ahead of your child turning two years of age. You can apply online at or contact Sefton Council on 0151 933 6021.
Alternatively you can contact them via email.
Please note that funding cannot be backdated.
The aim of this support is to make sure that children from all backgrounds learn at the same rate as their peers and are school ready when they reach 5 years of age.
Your two year old can receive early learning at a setting of your choice, including nurseries, children's centres, playgroups, in some schools and with some childminders.
A free place is equal to 570 hours, which is broken down to 15 hours per week across 38 weeks. You don't have to use all 15 hours but you must use the free place at least 2 days per week, for between 2.5 - 10 hours on each day.